Emmanuel is affiliated with a number of organizations both locally, nationally, and internationally.
American Baptist Churches USA
American Baptist Churches are healthy missional churches that nurture devoted disciples of Jesus Christ who live their lives in mission and ministry for the healing of the world through the love of God.
The Alliance consists of roughly 140 congregations knit together by love for one another and God, combining progressive inquiry, contemplative prayer and prophetic action to bring about justice and healing in a changing world.
FOCUS Churches of Albany
Six covenant churches, four faith affiliates, and two faith partners, doing together what we cannot do alone. United in a common calling to respond to our neighbors' needs in the city of Albany and beyond, as God’s servant people in a broken and hurting world.
Capital Area Council of Churches
The Capital Area Council of Churches (CACC) was founded in 1941 to foster ecumenism and faithful witness through service, advocacy and celebration. Over the years, membership has grown to about 90 faith communities in the Capital Region of New York State.
Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists
Since 1993 AWAB has been supporting churches in being and becoming Welcoming and Affirming of all people regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. We work as individuals, congregations, regional groupings and as a national body to advance the Radical Welcome and Love of God in Jesus Christ through being the Ministry of Reconciliation and building up the Beloved Community where all will be one.
Baptist Peace Fellowship /
Bautistas por la Paz
We celebrate and support the peacemaking work done by Baptist churches in our four home countries of Canada, the United States, Puerto Rico and Mexico by raising the visibility of these efforts; bringing peacemakers together in regional and international gatherings; and providing resources, speakers and training to our members. We also actively connect with peacemakers from other traditions, faith-based and secular, to build alliances and work together toward our common goal of a more just and peaceful world.